Is this stealing?

Heya! It’s almost midnight and my eyelids are heavier than usual. But I wanted to type out a quick email about something important that just happened: I just wrote about one of the most popular frameworks in gamification by one of the OGs. But… I was beating myself up for writing it. Why? Because it … Read more

So, Are we starting our own Fight Club?

There’s something about a rainy, cloudy, 4pm mind-state that makes me do whatever I can to avoid working. Like making tea. Done. Like cleaning up the hall. Done. Like figuring out a new way to hang my hats and headphones. Done. And now that I’m done with all that procrastination, it’s 4:14pm now – and … Read more

Awkward silence… is awkward.

Hey macha!​ My waifu’s on the first floor, busy in meetings – loud, annoying meetings without headphones. (ಥ﹏ಥ) So, I smacked on some music, brewed some chai and finished configuring email and stuff. Thanks to her bosses, I’m able to send this mail to you. Sorry about the delay/gap, ok? It was one of those … Read more

What will you sacrifice?

Macha! One thing that we don’t talk about often enough – sacrifice. Anything we need to achieve requires sacrifice. It could be that of time, effort, money or of things we love. Our game is no different. The question you have to answer is: What are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want? … Read more

The Ultimate Victory

Today’s mail picks up on our exploration of the framework. After we wrote down what the final boss was, we now need to talk about The Ultimate Victory. This is the answer to the question: How can you defeat the final boss? In other words, what do you need to do to complete your quest? … Read more

Call me Gundu.

Macha Hope you’ve been having a good time da. The weekend was a good time. I had my cousin visiting and this was the first time I met him after the pandemic began. It felt… satisfying. Speaking of family, I’ve got a new one building up with my whole Dungeons & Dragons community. I’ve been … Read more