The Ultimate Victory

Today’s mail picks up on our exploration of the framework. After we wrote down what the final boss was, we now need to talk about The Ultimate Victory.

This is the answer to the question: How can you defeat the final boss? In other words, what do you need to do to complete your quest?

How can you demonstrate the growth you’ve had? How can you completely finish the task at hand? How do you know that you’re finally DONE?

This one is a bit tricky at first because people assume that this Ultimate Victory has to be the most difficult task.


Sometimes, that is the case.

But some other times, it’s just the last task you have to finish. This is especially true when you have a long project to finish. But setting the last task aside gives you a little bit extra boost in the final leg.

It works. That’s how I managed to go for a jog instead of a walk today.



Talk tomorrow.

Arvindh Sundar

P.s. One quick tip I’ve been using that someone said was surprising: I don’t just put stuff in my todo list and let it ferment/die. I add the immediate stuff (Stuff to be done in the coming week) into the calendar so shit gets done.

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