Did you take a bath today?


Today’s been a super busy day. I launched a new community online last night and today, I’m shifting my house. I’m gonna be tied up till next week with this though.

And guess what? With the shifting of the boxes and all of Maya’s books (4 full boxes!!!), running up and down for a good three hours has had me sweating.

A lot.

Like.. I’m now a walking talking biological weapon. I stink and I desperately need a shower.

Even my wife, who’s nose-deaf (?) said that I smell like I’ve not had a bath in a week.

It’s crappy situation to be in. Kinda like what happens before people give up on the quest they set out to do.

You see, when we start something new, we’re excited. We’re full of drive and extremely motivated. We will make extraordinary measures to make things happen. And that motivation keeps us going for a short while – before it fades away.

That’s when we give up.

Someone once mentioned in a Toastmasters speech – A dose of motivation is a lot like a shower. It’s best if you get one daily.

And that’s the rededication ritual in a nutshell:

What will you do when your well of motivation dries up before you hit the end goal?

For my weight loss quest, I’ve written a letter apologizing to my wife and daughter. I’m apologizing because I’m dead and not going to be there for all the important events of their life. It’s a depressing and sobering thought, but – gets my ass on the road to walk.

One of my clients is making a video to convince his future self. Another one is using music and playlists to get his mojo back to do meaningful work with intention. A third, she’s considering a letter. Or perhaps even a scrapbook. Another one has a bunch of postits in the loo to remind them why they started.

We all need that boost of motivation – especially when we want to give up.

What’s yours da?

Talk tomorrow.

For now, this is Arvindh “Porter” Sundar saying over and out.

P.s The weather here in BLR is EPIC!

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