Who’s your Mini-Boss?

Hey macha!

As we dig into the trial loop, the first thing we need to fix is the Mini-Boss we need to defeat to complete this trial.

This is you essentially restating the milestone you’re going after – but putting in greater detail – and making it more accessible for the planning process in the Trials Loop.

That’s pretty straightforward.

And now, I want to tell you three things:

  1. If you are wondering why this is so lightweight – well, it’s because this is the light framework. There’s a bigger, more detailed framework that I use for my clients. We build up the personal action plan together.
  2. Some of my coaching spots are opening up soon. So, if you wanted one on one coaching to achieve your goals, get in touch with me.
  3. I spent some time today updating a video course I had made last year – 30 Epic Career Upgrades. It’s a course designed specifically for working professionals to get the money they deserve. (You see, you’re paid by the results you can deliver and how difficult you’re to replace -NOT for how much you feel you’re worth. This course fixes that.) If you want to check it out, go here.


That’s all for now. I have some D&D coming up tonight – and I’m designing some fun maps! Can’t wait!

Talk tomorrow da.

For now, this is Arvindh “DM” Sundar saying over and out!

P.s. http://allofbach.com/ is my new favourite site!

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